Tanjona Ramiadantsoa is a mathematician that morphed into a theoretical ecologist. His research interest range from physiology to biogeography with the objective of understanding how biodiversity responds to human-caused environmental change. He primarily works on the theoretical and modeling approaches to detect and predict abrupt changes.
CV: Ramiadantsoa_FullCV
Representative publications:
Ramiadantsoa, T., J. Sirén, and I. Hanski. 2017 (in press). Phylogenetic comparative method for geographical radiation. Annales Zoologica Fennica (special issue in honor of Ilkka Hanski)
Ramiadantsoa, T., O. Ovaskainen, J. Rybicki, and I. Hanski. 2015. Large-scale habitat corridors for biodiversity conservation: A forest corridor in Madagascar. PloS ONE 10: e0132126.
Ramiadantsoa, T. 2015. Spatial processes in ecology and evolution, and implications for conservation. Doctoral dissertation, University of Helsinki.
email: ramiadantsoa-AT-wisc.edu
website: ramiadantsoa.github.io
twitter: @TRamiadantsoa
office: 436 Birge Hall